First and subsequent market entries of biosimilars – Effect on pricing of original medicinal product and already present biosimilars
Simona Mencej Bedrac, Simona Magajna, Matjaz Marc (Medicinal Products and Medical Devices of the Republic of Slovenia (JAZMP))
There are considerable differences in availability of BSs measured by published list prices among EURIPID countries, ranging from none in LT and RO to as many as 9 in EL in the observed period. Interestingly, this does not seem to have a direct impact on the minimum wholesale unit price of either the original or the biosimilar MPs. The wholesale unit prices of original BMP have already declining trend before patent expiration that has been accelerated by the market entry of BSs. The effects of first and subsequent market entries of BSs on competitor prices is country dependant. A considerable difference in the minimum wholesale unit price of the original BMP and BSs remains.
Slovenia has been successful in decreasing the wholesale unit prices of both the original BMP as well as BSs. An above average number of BSs with adalimumab is available on the Slovenian market. Slovenia’s original BMP price drops before and after BSs’ market entries are in the medium to high range compared to other EURIPID countries and were more profound after 2nd and 3rd BS market entry. The impact of new BSs’ market entries on BSs’ prices is observed but limited. In Slovenia, the overall annual expenditures on adalimumab – containing BMPs have been reduced since BSs market entry at the end of 2018 due to reduction of the price of original BMP and increased utilization of cheaper BSs.