Webinar on price comparisons
On 22 February 2022, the EURIPID collaboration organises the second webinar on „Price Comparisons – From theory and practice“.
The target group of this webinar are European National Competent Authorities for pricing and reimbursement (NCAPR) as well as Members of the EURIPID collaboration and associated partners.
The aim of this webinar is to develop an understanding about comparison of prices of pharmaceutical products. The webinar will present different fields of application and discuss their rationale and its limi-tations. A focus will be on External Reference Pricing (ERP), i.e. when price comparisons are used for setting the price of a pharmaceutical product, and a presentation of the EURIPID Guidance Document on ERP. The participants should develop an understanding about the path-dependency of this pricing method and how methodological decisions have an impact on outcomes. Furthermore, the participants should build up an understanding how ERP-policies in countries are intertwined and how international coordination / collaboration can contribute to better outcomes with regard to patient access to medicines.