EURIPID provides data for OECD Report
On 14 February 2023 the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) published a health working paper on “Exploring the feasibility of monitoring access to novel medicine“. The OECD undertook a pilot study in EU Member States that aimed to determine the utility and feasibility of routine, cross-national monitoring of access to medicines across multiple dimensions. The researchers applied a mix of methods to explore how the various dimensions of access could be monitored systematically with routine data. Since the EURIPID collaboration is committed to enhanced collaboration with international organisations, EURIPID provided aggregated data for the analysis by OECD health experts. The published working paper presents key learnings from the desk review and country survey to which 21 EU Member States responded, with a focus on exploring the utility and feasibility of the processes of monitoring and measurement. The report acknowledged EURIPID’s current efforts in routine data collection and emphasised EURIPID’s potential for monitoring several dimensions of access if it is able to collate more public information in different areas and is able to extend its scope.