
European National Authorities

The national competent authorities of the European region, as defined by the United Nations, are invited to participate in the EURIPID Collaboration. New applications must be approved by the Board of Participants and meet technical and legal criteria. Participation is valid for one calendar year.

Members of the Collaboration must provide full and continuous access to their complete reimbursement list, which must include at least the following information:

  • Product code
  • Product name (in local language)
  • Package description (in local language)
  • Company (preferably marketing authorization holder)
  • Price information (at least one price type: manufacturer price, wholesale price, net retail price, gross retail price)

Applicants must sign the Framework Partnership Agreement and accept the General Terms and Conditions and the Terms and Conditions of Use of the EURIPID website. Before signing the agreement, the Board of Participants usually grants a 3-month trial access to 3 users so the applicant can review the website and database.

Members of the Collaboration equally share the cost of maintenance. A fee is defined for each year. Additionally, newcomers must cover the cost of initial data standardization. Participation is valid for the calendar year (regardless of the time of joining) and the full yearly fee must be paid.

Members must confirm their participation each year.

Other Authorities

The national competent authorities from countries outside the European region, as defined by the United Nations, are currently not eligible for participation, according to the decision of the Board of Participation. Nevertheless, the EURIPID Collaboration aims to strengthen global cooperation among national authorities and supports the pricing activities of these organizations in the following ways:

  • Supporting OECD’s efforts to increase pricing transparency,
  • Supporting WHO’s implementation of the WHA’s transparency resolution,
  • Publishing documents related to medicinal product pricing,
  • Circulating newsletters,
  • Hosting online webinars (foreseen for Autumn 2021),
  • Providing information to researchers to support public research in the field of medicinal product pricing.