International price comparison of pharmaceuticals 2016 – a volume based analysis of Swedish pharmaceutical prices relative to 19 other European countries.

Emil Aho, Pontus Johansson, Gunilla Rönnholm (Tandvårds- och läkemedelsförmånsverket, TLV)

The international price comparison report is part of TLV’s assignment to monitor developments in the Swedish pharmaceutical market from an international perspective. It is the third report of its kind.

The analysis is based on national list prices at pharmacy purchase price level.

The analysis compares the price levels of pharmaceuticals used in Swedish outpatient care with 19 other European countries: Belgium, Denmark, Finland, France, Greece, Ireland, Italy, the Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Switzerland, Slovakia, Spain, Great Britain, the Czech Republic, Germany, Hungary and Austria.

The pharmaceuticals have been divided into segments based on the prerequisite for competition in Sweden; pharmaceuticals not exposed to competition and those exposed to competition, which includes all pharmaceuticals included as substitutes for the product-of-the-month in March 2016. Pharmaceutical data have been grouped according to substance, dosage form and strength.

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