International price comparison 2019 – An analysis of Swedish pharmaceutical prices and volumes relative to 19 other European countries

David Sjöberg, Oskar Johansson, Ulrika Grundström, Sara Dalin (Tandvårds- och läkemedelsförmånsverket, TLV)

The Dental and Pharmaceutical Benefits Agency, hereafter TLV, has a mandate to monitor and analyse the developments in the pharmaceutical, pharmacy and dental care markets in Sweden. One of TLV’s tasks is to develop value-based pricing in order to ensure that the cost of pharmaceuticals is reasonable throughout the entire life cycle. Part of this work involves setting Sweden’s pharmaceutical prices and use in an international perspective. The regulation (2007:1206) with instructions to TLV, amongst other things, states that the agency has a mandate to monitor and analyse developments in other countries and take advantage of experiences, compare the price level in Sweden with prices in other countries for relevant products, and also monitor price developments in an international perspective. This report is part of the ongoing work and is the sixth report of its kind.

The comparison covers pharmaceuticals not exposed to competition as well as pharmaceuticals exposed to competition. The report describes how the prices of prescription pharmaceuticals in Sweden relate to 19 other countries in Europe.

The purpose of the report is to analyse the Swedish prices in an international perspective. In addition, the dynamics are examined in terms of price, volume and exchange rate, factors that affect the Swedish prices in relation to other countries.

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