News & Publications

Stay Informed with the Latest News, Publications, and Webinars of EURIPID

Keep up with the latest developments from the EURIPID Collaboration. Explore recent news, access key publications, and join insightful webinars to stay updated on trends and initiatives in medicine pricing and reimbursement.

Monitoring the ‘Future of EURIPID’

The EURIPID Collaboration held its annual meeting of the Board…

Things you can do with EURIPID data

The EURIPID database constitutes more than 30 Mio. data points…

Conference Report from the EURIPID Workshop

On 25 and 26 April 2024 the 5th PPRI Conference of the WHO Collaborating…

EURIPID Workshop at the PPRI Conference

The WHO Collaborating Centre for Pharmaceutical Pricing and Reimbursement…

What is the future of the EURIPID collaboration?

On 19 October 2023 the EURIPID collaboration held its annual…

Chairs of WHO/Europe Access to Novel Medicines Platform (NMP) have been anounced

At the 72nd session of the WHO Regional Committee for Europe…

EURIPID provides data for OECD Report

On 14 February 2023 the Organisation for Economic Co-operation…

Board of Participants meeting 2022

The Board of Participants met for their 10th annual meeting in…

Board of Participants Meeting 2021

The annual BoP meeting took place on 21st September 2021. DG…

Enlargement of the database

It is considered to expand the database and for this purpose…

4th EURIPID Stakeholder Dialogue Platform

The 4th Meeting of the Stakeholder Dialogue Platform on Pricing…

Survey among EURIPID members

A recent survey among Euripid members confirmed their interest…

Pharmaceutical Strategy for Europe

Adopted on 25 November 2020, the Pharmaceutical Strategy for…

WHO Fair Pricing Forum 2021

The 3rd Fair Pricing Forum took place online from 13-22 April…

EURIPID survey – Sharing information about confidential agreements

In the light of the WHA resolution in 2019 on improving transparency…

EURIPID Webinar on Price Developments

This year the EURIPID collaboration will organise a series of…

EURIPID Webinar on Prices of Human Normal Immunoglobulins in European Countries

This year the EURIPID collaboration will organise a series of…

Webinar on Best practices in the public procurement of medicines

Public procurement of medicines (PPM) is highlighted in the…

EURIPID Webinar series on pharmaceutical pricing

The webinar series of the Euripid collaboration on various pricing…

Webinar on price comparisons

On 22 February 2022, the EURIPID collaboration organises the…

EURIPID Webinar – Pharmaceutical Pricing Policies

The first EURIPID webinar, which took place on 28 January 2022,…