EURIPID Webinar on Price Developments

This year the EURIPID collaboration will organise a series of webinars to present current important developments in the field for pharmaceutical pricing & reimbursement.

The second webinar will be held on Tuesday, 21 May 2024, 1 PM, and the target group of this Webinar are (1) members of the EURIPID collaboration, (2) National Competent Authorities on Pricing and Reimbursement and Public Healthcare Payers (NCAPR), and (3) Stakeholder in the area of pharmaceutical pricing and reimbursement (patients and consumer groups, doctor and pharmacists associations, pharmaceutical industry, etc;) . The webinar serves to strengthen cooperation with public institutions and stakeholders in the field for pharmaceutical pricing and reimbursement. It aims to analyse price developments in different markets and provide guidance on how data collected in EURIPID could contribute to evidence-based decision making. Therefore at this webinar three policy brief produced under the EURIPID ACCESS grant will be presented and discussed with participants.