Quick Check Policy Brief on ERP models
Maciej Dzik, Kacper Mucha, Elzbieta Kuriata, Piotr Krakowian, Aleksandra Pelczarska (Agency for Health Technology Assessment and Tariff System ((AOTMiT))
The study focused on: (1) the time to launch of selected MPs across EU, (2) the availability of reference prices at the time of launch, and at the time of price revision (i.e. ERP basket availability).
Early time to launch was associated with higher reimbursement prices, whereas later launches were able to achieve lower list prices of the MPs, especially for Poland. Early launch doesn’t allow for inclusion of ERP in the price setting due to low availability of reference pricing information. However, this can be mitigated by the subsequent price revisions at the later time.
The EURIPID database served as a useful source of information and a tool for pricing analysis. Inclusion of further countries (i.e. pricing information from Germany) and exploring prices recalculation solution for countries reporting only one type of the price (i.e. recalculation of wholesale price to ex-factory price or opposite) would be helpful for future studies. In the future studies, the Pricing & Reimbursement (P&R) tracker that is planned in the EURIPID database, would give a more granular view on MP’s times to launch. It may help to understand whether the differences between the countries come from the launch sequences set by the industry, lengths of countries’ P&R processes, i.e. due to scope of health technology assessment, length of pricing negotiations, or others.